Hehehehe..Apa Kabar?? |
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
EXAMS U.N.D.E.R.P.R.E.S.S.U.R.E Tulung doain aku yang mau lagi ngadepin exams, Kamis, 25 mei 2006 ampe Selasa, 30 mei 2006. Tegang banget deh. Sibuk, revisi yang ga mari-mari. Doain yaa... bisa... soalnya aku takut banget. Padahal banyak yang mau dicritain. Tapi ga sempat nihh... ya wes, uda dulu yaaa... Reminder buat Science biar rumus nya ga lupa. (Somehow makes me look smart! :D ) Momentum: Ft=mv As the time of contact increases, the felt force decreases Newton's 3 laws: 1. An object at rest will remain at rest unless a force acts on it An object in motion will remain in motion unless a force acts on it INERTIA 2. F= ma Acceleration is proportional to force, it is inversely proportional to mass 3. F= -F or every action there is an equal and opposite reaction SEMANGAT NAAAA!!!!!! |